My school needed a ballot to conduct the Student Council Body Elections so my friends and I set out to build a ballot which would be hosted and work on the Computer Lab's systems.
- Secure Voting: Implemented employee and student ID verification to ensure that only eligible voters could cast their ballots.
- Efficient Management: Facilitated the quick tallying of votes.
- User-Friendly Interface: Made it easy for voters to cast their ballots.
The software ran smoothly on over 20 computers and allowed almost a 1000 students to cast their vote.
Looking back, the code seems inefficient and I feel like Django or React would have been more scalable and served us better. That said, I believe that I learnt invaluable values like teamwork and resourcefulness while working with my friends for the school, and that is why this project is special to me.
Technologies used:
- Python
- JavaScript
- Eel